perjantai 25. heinäkuuta 2014

Vakkella tuunataan!

Kesä on mukavaa aikaa sisustaa ja kehitellä uusia juttuja.

Turun Tyttöjen Talo Varissuolla avaa ovensa perjantaina 5.9. osoitteessa Kousankuja 4 C 68 :)

Sitä ennen sisustetaan, taiteillaan ja tuunataan. Ostamme mahdollisimman paljon uudelle talolle käytettyä, ekologista ja kestävää - ja tuunaamme siisteiksi, persoonallisiksi ja toimiviksi.

Toimistoon tuunasin uudet vanhat lehtikotelot:

spraymaali + dymo + vanhat eriväriset lehtikotelot = tyylikäs toimisto

Ennen avajaisia käynnistyy kaksi ryhmää talolla, joissa tarkoituksena on luoda avajaisiin taidetta ja saada talo kävijöidensä näköiseksi! Ryhmät ovat tarkoitettu yläkouluikäisille.

ke 13.8. klo 15-17
ke 20.8. klo 15-17
ke 27.8. klo 15-17

ma 18.8. klo 14-16
ma 25.8. klo 14-16
ma 1.9. klo 14-16

Ideoita ryhmälle olen löytänyt Pinterestistä, johon jatketaan yhdessä ideoiden keräilyä!

Ilmoittaudu ryhmiin Katjalle:

Olen superinnoissani uudesta tilasta Varissuolla, toiminnan aloittamisesta ja DIY (do it yourself) -jutuista!

Ihanaa kesää :)


lauantai 19. heinäkuuta 2014

I will not tell you anything else than this.

Hello everyone. Again. It's quite funny that I've noticed that I write here quite often. But I like to write. This time I write totally something else than I used to write. It is completely from "other" world if I can say that.
First I want to say that I don't have a title yet. But I guess I'll figure it out while writing this text.

So, I just started this project. I will not name it or say what it is, but I am going to say "project". Just to be a little mysterious. I am going to take pictures during this project, but I won't publish them. I'll publish all the pictures when I'm ready with this project. I might write something during this project, but it will be a little mysterious, or I-will-not-tell-you-anything-else kind of text.
I am so exciting with this one, and I guess it will take a long time, I'm not sure. Who knows? I am looking forward to this one, because I know that I'm gonna make it, without depending how long it would take. But I'm gonna make it. I guess that it will be fun, it will be difficult, there will be tears, there will sweat, there will be almost every feelings what human being can feel.

Only one of my friends know about this project, and her boyfriend of course. I told about this to my friend and obviously she told that to her boyfriend. But it's okay, I don't mind. And I know that I can count on her 100% about this. I know I can trust her and tell her anything. She's just so wonderful friend, sure I do have more wonderful friends than just one! So don't worry guys. But that how many friends do I have is another story. This story is about my project. And still I am not going to tell you what is it. No not yet, maybe later. But maybe. So don't start to wait it. Oh and it contains a lot of music. Ha ha ha! You can guess what this is, but seriously it can be anything. So it's kind of waste of time to go and guess it. But only if you want to guess it, write it up to your calender or just a piece of a paper, or just leave a comment below. It would be much fun for to read your guesses. And if you guess it right, well you can be just proud of yourself.


sunnuntai 13. heinäkuuta 2014

All I want to do is watch all their movies

Where to begin this one. Urm, yeah maybe I should just start writing, text will come or better way to say it: words will come.
They always come, I just have to write and keep my mind empty while writing. I can not think anything while writing because then I would forget what was I writing. I almost write here that I have very good example but no, no I do not have. One for sure is that I just get two messages for whatsapp, but I have ignore them or I will forget what I was writing. So now I am totally focused with this one. And it means that I can write listen music or watch through the car window and I can not forget what was I writing. The mood is perfect. Yes, I do have moods for writing too, if you do not have the right mood you just can not write. I have moods for like everything. Haha, well not exactly, but almost.
Just like I have mood for watching movies. And this is great
moment to go my subject: actors.

I like lot of actors, but sometimes I have these days that there's one acfor stuck in my mind and I just want to watch his/her movies all day long. Well yesterday and today there have two actors stuck in myind. Robert Downey Jr. and Rupert Grint and that means movie time all the time. Well almost, come on! Think how many movies Robert have or Rupert. Well Rupert do not have that much movies than Robert. But still. It would take days to watch all of Roberts movies.
And honestly this sucks sometimes, because you want to do something else but you can't focus.

Okay well I do not remember when I was first introduced for Robert by my friend. It seems to ling time ago. I do not even remember what was the first movie from him that I saw, but obviously I liked it alot. Nowdays actors just don't stuck in my mind often or badly or whatnot. But I think that Robert is very good actor. And he seems funny, I can't say how funny he really is because I don't know him. Or how perfect he is or if he is perfect at all. I like him and that is enough for me. Well yeah he is also good looking. But yeh I have like him longer than Rupert.
And then rupert. Well I have not exactly seen him before Half-Blood prince or Deathly Hallows. Yes he is all the potter movies but I just have not seen him. I like him also a lot and think that he is good looking too.
So yeah all I want to do is watch all their movies and nothing else, but I just can't watch day after day movies. I have to do something else too, yeh sure I like those guys, but... I do have a life. But maybe I should just enjoy the time I have and watch as much movies as I want to.


tiistai 1. heinäkuuta 2014

Lets go back to the nineties

So much memories but not anything specific. I remember how I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and X Files. I remember how my mom told me not to watch X Files but I still did. Those were something I liked and still like. But for now Buffy is the one or that is what I think. Yet I still like X Files too, but it is way different than Buffy. The tehcnology and the costumes are the best you could make in the nineties.
How I miss those days, your childhood, pre school and whatnot. Oh yeah I am the kid from nineties and you can see it if you look at me very closly.