tiistai 20. maaliskuuta 2012

My very special EVS - European Voluntary Service

Evrything started 4 years ago when one very important person for me gave me information about this program for youth. She told me her crazy, nice, cute and interesting experience to me... After it I was hyper excited about that and at the same moment I decided when I will finish gymnasium I will do the same in my very own and somehow special country...
And here I am !
Most common questions : why Finland? why EVS? Why?
Story ...
During my last year in gymnasium I already had my sending organisation and we were searching together for an EVS project. I paid my attention to nordic countries as I might stay in there for my future studies. Also I gave priority to Norway but we didnt find anything in there... The deadline was so close - 1st of June.. And suddenly in the midle of May I got an invitation to Finland - and why not? Nordic. Possible to study. Interesting. No one can talk that kunkulunku language. Santa Clause is living there. It should be special !

The country of coldness and hills of snow! Really? Let's see and experience by myself. And here I am more than 6 months.

To be continued :)))

- Justina

(Lisää tietoa ja esimerkkejä vapaaehtoistyöstä ulkomailla täältä)

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